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Is this your first time here?
Welcome!You are on the distance learning platform of the Training Center of Justice of Georgia.
Registration is required to access training courses.
Information Required:
• First Name
• Last Name
• Email Address
• Date of Birth
• Gender
By registering, you agree to provide your personal data.
Registration Rules:
1. Username: Use only Latin lowercase letters.
2. Password Requirements:
• Minimum 8 characters
• At least one number
• At least one lowercase Latin letter
• At least one uppercase Latin letter
• At least one special character: !@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]};:' ",<.>/?
• Example: tesTuser@24
3. Email: Enter a valid email address to receive the registration link.
4. Name: Use your official first and last name for certificate issuance.
5. Mandatory Fields: Marked with an exclamation mark !
6. Optional Fields: Country and phone number
7. Country: Select the country you consider your country of origin.
Registration Steps:
1. Fill in the mandatory fields.
2. Click "Create my account".
3. Check your email and click on the link to complete registration.
4. To access the platform, enter your username and password.
5. If you forget your password, click "Forgot your password?".
6. After logging in, click "enroll me" to view courses.